
Fragrant daylilies make “scents” if you want a little something extra in the garden. Daylilies don’t have a strong scent, but offer a subtle, gentle fragrance to the garden. If you are looking for a fragrant powerhouse that overwhelms the senses and transports you to olfactory heaven, well… you probably won’t get that from a daylily.

Among the fragrant varieties, those scented sorts have varying ranges: some are more fragrant than others. Those that have won the L. Ernest Plouf award, a distinction determined by the American Daylily Society for the most fragrant daylily, will be among the most fragrant.

The daylilies on this page are either registered as fragrant or we noticed they were fragrant when walking through our garden.

Showing 1–24 of 91 results



Bloom Type

Foliage Types

Bloom Season

Bloom Size


Bloom Patterns