Understanding Daylily Sizes: A Guide to Variations and Planting Strategies

Using a variety of plants with differing heights and bloom sizes creates an interesting and delightful garden. If you are considering building a new garden or reworking an existing one, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Plant Sizes = Bloom Sizes… Usually (But Not Always!)

When Is the Best Time to Plant Daylilies?

When Is the Best Time to Plant Daylilies?

Daylily care is very straight forward. Planting them is also fairly simple. Unfortunately, when to plant daylilies isn't quite as clear cut. Daylilies aren't bulbs so planting them isn't season specific and there's no across-the-board answer. The truth is, the best...

Two Days in Wonderland

Two Days in Wonderland

Daylilies for Days... A real-life Wonderland is in our backyard every June.  With close to 1000 varieties of daylilies in bloom across 6 acres, pretty much everywhere you look is daylily-covered. To a daylily fan, (and even those that are just along for the ride) it's...

Five Tips for A Fabulous Daylily Garden

Five Tips for A Fabulous Daylily Garden

A fabulous garden doesn't "just happen." A lot of thought, hard work and sweat equity goes into the making of an "effortless" looking garden. We are all about enjoying the fruit of our labors (sweet tea in the shade, anyone?), but we also don't mind putting in some...