Daylilies and Fertilizer: An Easy, Effective Way to Boost Your Blooms

We are a working daylily farm, so it’s really no surprise that people regularly ask us about fertilizer and daylilies. Daylilies are easy to grow and require little care, but they do appreciate a nice dose of fertilizer each year.

Fertilizer and daylilies creates a lot of stress in some people and we get it— it seems like A Very Big Deal. In truth, it couldn’t be more simple.  Knowing what kind to use, when—and how—to apply it can make a big difference in the health and success of your plants. If you have a new garden or have moved to a new place, you may want to start with a soil test just to see what your soil health looks like. If you are simply interested in “feeding” your daylilies… read on!


Fertilizer and Daylilies: Do Daylilies Even Need Fertilizer?

Fertilizer is like a multivitamin for plants. It adds nutrients and minerals to the soil so the plant can remain healthy and continue to look beautiful in the garden.

How to Choose A Daylily Fertilizer

Fertilizers come in various forms such as granular, liquid, or organic. Granular fertilizers are the most common type, but any of these options can work well for daylilies. When selecting a blend, you can’t go wrong with a balanced fertilizer.

If you are new to fertilizer, a balanced fertilizer is one that has equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (such as a 10-10-10 or 12-12-12). Daylilies LOVE nitrogen; if you can find one that is higher in nitrogen, your daylilies will be quite happy! As we like to say, “a happy daylily is a beautiful daylily.” Our friends at Beaty Fertilizer created a specially-made blend just for us. You can check it out here.

When is the Best Time to Fertilize Daylilies?

The first thing to know about fertilizer and daylilies is when to apply it. The best times to fertilize daylilies are: 1) when you first plant a daylily, and 2)  in the spring before it blooms but after the threat of frost has passed in your area.

We typically don’t fertilize here at the nursery in the fall, but some folks do and it certainly can’t hurt. If you choose to fertilize in the fall, you’ll want to do so several weeks before the first hard frost. Stopping several weeks (we prefer a month to be safe) before your first hard frost will allow the plants to prepare for the winter months and reduce the risk of plant death or injury. If you want to know when your first hard frost might be, click here to find information specific to where you live.

How Often Should I Fertilize Daylilies?

We recommend fertilizing when a daylily is first planted, and then each year in spring before it blooms but after the threat of frost has passed where you live. Fertilizing more often can cause the plant to focus its energy on producing foliage instead of blooms. Although daylily foliage is nice, their blooms are better! If your daylilies look lush, big and healthy but aren’t blooming… over fertilization is most likely the reason why.

How Do I Fertilize Daylilies?

In general, we only fertilize our daylilies once a year. We sprinkle a couple of teaspoons of granular fertilizer around the base of each daylily plant and water it in well. (Pro tip: By “water it in well” we mean a couple inches of water.)  Try not to get any fertilizer on the leaves as it can cause them to burn. If you do, don’t sweat it! Just wash it off when you water.

If you have a lot of daylilies, you can broadcast the fertilizer across the entire area. After applying, it’s important to water it in to help dissolve the nutrients into the soil and wash any excess off the leaves.

See? Fertilizer and daylilies isn’t that stressful! The right type of fertilizer at the right time and in the right way can help promote healthy growth and beautiful blooms. Whether you’re a seasoned daylily enthusiast or just starting out, understanding the basics of fertilizing can make a big difference in the overall health and success of your plants. Enjoy your daylilies!


If you are interested in learning more about daylilies, please visit our YouTube channel to see all sorts of videos about daylilies and how to care for them.

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