Oakes Daylilies Fertilizer

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Special Blend – created just for us by Beaty Fertilizer

Fertilizer is like a multivitamin for plants. It adds nutrients and minerals to the soil so the plant can remain healthy and continue to look beautiful in the garden.  We have known the folks at Beaty Fertilizer for many years and asked them to create a high quality fertilizer for daylilies. We are confident you’ll love the results you’ll see from this custom made blend.

In addition to a high percentage of nitrogen (which daylilies love!) a special feature of this fertilizer is that it contains mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizal fungi helps build rich, fertile soil by releasing powerful enzymes that solubilize nutrients such as organic nitrogen and phosphorus. It also improves the health of the plant in that it increases the surface area of the roots which greatly improves its ability to access soil resources due to their mycelium, a network of fine white filaments that increase nutrient uptake.

In general, we only fertilize our daylilies once a year. We toss a handful around the drip line of the plant in the spring before the daylilies start blooming and water it in well. We typically don’t fertilize here at the nursery in the fall, but some folks do and it certainly can’t hurt. If you have an unusual soil condition, you may want to check with your local garden center to see what they would recommend.

4 pound bag of fertilizer, sprinkle some around each plant or broadcast over the bed, covers approximately 300 square feet, 75-100 daylilies





Special Blend – created just for us by Beaty Fertilizer Fertilizer is like a multivitamin for plants. It adds nutrients and minerals to the soil so the plant can remain healthy and continue to look beautiful in the garden.  We have known the folks at Beaty Fertilizer for many years and asked them to create a […]

Additional information

HOW TO GROW DAYLILIES: Daylilies are very easy-to-grow. They like a lot of sun and they like a lot of water. For more information on how to care for daylilies, click here.
WHAT DAYLILIES CAN I GROW: Most of you can grow any of the daylilies we sell. If you live in an area with a sustained cold period like we do in East Tennessee, you can grow all the varieties. However, If you live in an area that doesn’t get freezing weather in the winter (like zones 9 and 10), dormant varieties won’t work for you; you’ll need to choose evergreen or semi-evergreen varieties.

BIG PLANTS! When it comes to daylily plants, bigger is better! All of the plants we ship will be three fans or larger — two or three times (or more) what you might receive from other companies. Larger plants get established faster and bloom more quickly!

FARM-FRESH TO YOU! All of your plants will be freshly dug when you order. The leaves are trimmed and the plants are washed and air-dried. Your daylilies will be out of the ground less than 48 hours before they’re headed your way.

BONUS DAYLILIES: We send free daylilies (we call them “bonus” daylilies) with every order. These daylilies are equal to about 20% of your order, you get to choose what you’d like at checkout.

ABOUT US: Oakes Daylilies is a family-owned daylily farm that’s been in business for three generations. Our daylilies grow in home gardens, city parks and botanical gardens across the nation– including Hawaii and Canada. We are known in the industry as Daylily Experts and grow over 1000 varieties of daylilies on nearly 70 acres in East Tennessee. But over 50 years ago, we started just like you—with one daylily in a home garden.